The SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for your reference. You can download the SQL cheat sheet as follows:
Querying data from a table
SAS Institute has hundreds of SAS products, so a partial list of the ones you might run will help you know which one to use for your job. The tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office create SAS programs that call on SAS procedures. Having a list of those procedures and.
Query data in columns c1, c2 from a table
Query all rows and columns from a table
Query data and filter rows with a condition
Query distinct rows from a table
Sort the result set in ascending or descending order
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Skip offset of rows and return the next n rows
Group rows using an aggregate function
Filter groups using HAVING clause
Querying from multiple tables
Inner join t1 and t2
Left join t1 and t1
Right join t1 and t2
Perform full outer join
Produce a Cartesian product of rows in tables
Another way to perform cross join
Join t1 to itself using INNER JOIN clause
Using SQL Operators
Combine rows from two queries
Return the intersection of two queries
Subtract a result set from another result set
Query rows using pattern matching %, _
Query rows in a list
Query rows between two values
Check if values in a table is NULL or not
Managing tables
Create a new table with three columns
Delete the table from the database
Add a new column to the table
Drop column c from the table
Add a constraint
Drop a constraint
Rename a table from t1 to t2
Rename column c1 to c2
Remove all data in a table
Using SQL constraints
Set c1 and c2 as a primary key
Set c2 column as a foreign key
Make the values in c1 and c2 unique
Ensure c1 > 0 and values in c1 >= c2
Set values in c2 column not NULL
Modifying Data
Insert one row into a table
Insert multiple rows into a table
Insert rows from t2 into t1
Update new value in the column c1 for all rows
Update values in the column c1, c2 that match the condition
Delete all data in a table
Delete subset of rows in a table
Managing Views
Create a new view that consists of c1 and c2
Create a new view with check option
Create a recursive view
Create a temporary view
Free download imovie for mac. Delete a view
Managing indexes
Create an index on c1 and c2 of the t table
Create a unique index on c3, c4 of the t table
Drop an index
Managing triggers
Create or modify a trigger
- BEFORE – invoke before the event occurs
- AFTER – invoke after the event occurs
- INSERT – invoke for INSERT
- UPDATE – invoke for UPDATE
- DELETE – invoke for DELETE
Delete a specific trigger
I have created this SAS cheat sheet to refer while you learn. It has all the important procedures and functions which come very handy.
SAS Language
ATTRIBvarn <LENGTH=’varn-length’> <LABEL=’varn-label’>
<FORMAT=varn-format.> <INFORMAT=varn-informat.>;
Associates a format, informat, label, and/or length with one
or more variables
Indicates that data lines follow (suffix of 4 if data has ‘;’s).
DATA <dsetn <(dset-optionsn)>>;
Begins a DATA step and provides names for any output
SAS data sets. See Data Set Options for options that are
available in the DATA statement.
DO index-var=start_valueTOend_value <BYstep>;
DO UNTIL (expression);
DO WHILE (expression);
Groups a set of statements as a single unit. Note that UNTIL conditions are evaluated at the end of the loop and
thus execute at least once.
FILE filename <options>;
Specifies the current output file for PUT statements. Options include:
MOD output is appended to an existing file.
OLD output overwrites an existing file.
IF expressionTHENstatement; …. <ELSE> statement;
SAS evaluates the expression in an IF statement to
produce a result that is either non-zero, zero, or missing. If
result >0 then TRUE, else FALSE.
INFILE filename <options>;
Specifies an external file to read with an INPUT statement. Options include:
DELIMITER|DLM= delimiters
Specifies a delimiter for list input. LENGTH= variable
Names a variable that SAS sets to the length of the
current input line.
INPUTvar<=> <$> startcol <-endcol> <.dec> <@ | @@>; INPUT <pointer-control> variable informat. <@ | @@>;INPUT<pointer-control> variable <$> <&> <@ | @@>;
Input records from the current input file, placing the values
into SAS variables.
MERGE ds1 <(doptions)> <… dsn<(doptions)>> <END=var>;
Joins observations from two or more SAS data sets into
single observations.
Writes the current observation to a SAS data set.
Can i download java for a mac. PUTvar<=> <$> startcol <-endcol> <.dec> <@ | @@>;
PUT <pointer-control> <”text”|variable format.> <@ | @@>;
Writes variable values and/or text to the output line.
RETAINvariablen <initial-valuen>;
Causes a variable to retain its value from one iteration of
the data step to the next.
SET<data-set(s) <(data-set-options(s)>> <POINT=varname>
<NOBS=varname> <END=varname>;
Reads observations from one or more data sets.
SAS Data Set Options
DROP=variable(s) Excludes variables from processing. FIRSTOBS=n Specifies the first observation to process IN=variable Creates and names a variable that indicates
whether the data set contributed data to the current
KEEP=variable(s) Selects variables for processing. LABEL=’label‘ Specifies a label for a SAS data set
OBS=n Specifies the first n observations to process POINT=variable Direct observation number variable
RENAME=(oldname1=newname1 <…oldnamen=newnamen>)
Changes the name of a variable.
Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Answers
WHERE=(expression1 <logical-operator expressionn>)
Selects observations from a SAS data set that meet certain conditions before SAS brings them into the DATA or PROC step for processing.
SAS Procedures
VAR variable(s);
CHANGEold-namen=new-namen </MEMTYPE=(m-list);
Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Example
CONTENTS <DATA=<libref.>member> <DIRECTORY>
<MEMTYPE=(m-list)> <NODS>
COPY OUT=libref <IN=libref> <MEMTYPE=(m-list)>
EXCLUDEmember-list </MEMTYPE=mtype>;
LABEL variable=’label-text’;
RENAME variablen=new-variablen;
Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet
m-list one or more of the member types that processing should be restricted to.
member-list list of members in the directory to process.
PROC EXPORT DATA=<libref.>dset
OUTFILE=”filename” <REPLACE>;
OUT=<libref.>dset <REPLACE>;
The following filetypes are the most commonly used and supported within filename by SAS:
C++ Syntax Cheat Sheet Pdf
filename.XLS (Microsoft Excel)
Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Download
filename.TXT (tab delimited)
Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Answer
filename.CSV (comma separated value)